Startup and spin-out companies typically face significant challenges moving from concept and patent into becoming real businesses. And information technology invariably plays a significant part whether the business is into devices, cloud services or other concepts.
We provide a wide range of services to facilitate this transition, including definition and assessment of fundamentals like IP, business model, roll-out plans, pricing and commercial models.
Building on a long and successful track record of working with clients in the Financial Services industry, we are well positioned to provide Programme Governance and leadership to large digital & services transformation programmes.
Using established best practices and methodologies, we support our clients from concept through specification to delivery and execution.
Please contact us if you wish to hear more about our capabilities and how we can help you.
Whether you are an established IT infrastructure or software vendor, a Service Provider or operate in a different industry, our advanced price modelling services can help you step into the world of consumption economics and pay-per-use.
Working on the end-user side, we help you analyse the financial impact of switching to a cloud-sourcing strategy and avoid the pitfalls of potentially opague, multi-domentional pricing models. Our tools and reports will provide a sound foundation for informed decisions.
Life Sciences is one of the industries currently undergoing a dramatic Digital revolution. We work across the customer engagement territory, concentrating on initiatives that improve the adoption of digital tools in Sales Effectiveness, Marketing and Product Management and avoiding unneccessary proliferation of user licenses for expensive software packages.
Leveraging our advanced algorithm-based simulation tools, we support our clients by projecting communication effectiveness across multiple channels and selecting the optimal mix.
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